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My story and The Secret

It's taking a lot of courage for me to write this post as it's very personal but i feel like it's an experience i'd like to ...

Friday, 26 December 2014

A little of what i've been upto...

 Big news readers, I spent my morning with my three week old Niece! Yes, that's right, i finally have a niece! And she's absolutely beautiful...

I also went to work today dressed as Pooh Bear! For boxing day, we do pyjama day every year, it's simply a schuh tradition! 

We previously had our work night out too! Which was a really fun night, got quite merry, had a laugh and took selfies, as you do! (although standing in the taxi queue for 45 minutes in the ice cold weather was simply not fun)

And our Schuh dress up day! Preparation...

I attempted to be a 'Pink Lady' 

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