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It's taking a lot of courage for me to write this post as it's very personal but i feel like it's an experience i'd like to ...

Saturday, 13 July 2013

What's attractive about being a size 0-6?

This is one of my biggest pet hates... I mean, what's so attractive about looking like a bag of bones? Really? All these Models, being made to look stupidly skinny, why?

Just a few examples that make me think.... why? What's glamorous about it?
Throughout my teenage years, I've always been slim, in 2010-2011, I was going through a lot of stress at the time. Eating and looking after myself was the last thing on my mind. Before I knew it, I was a size 6 and underweight. I didn't realise how skinny I looked but they do say the mirror adds 10 pounds right? It wasn't until a certain friend of mine and my family noticed how skinny I was looking, that I realised that I needed to start looking after number 1, and that's myself!
It's so easy to forget to eat and look after yourself when your going through a really hard time... however, things slowly started to get better and I was starting to eat more and look after myself every day. Today, I'm a size 8-10 and my weight is around about 8.11st and im so happy. Im still slim and quite toned, but with a bit of weight, I feel better and I've been told I look a lot better for it. 
Being a fashion student, one day I hope to go far, maybe have my own collections on cat walk and if I do, I highly doubt im going to have size 0-6 models, modelling my garments, in my opinion, it just isn't pretty and make's the garments look... ugly?  

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